Resultados de la búsqueda

    4 Resultados
  • Beth Wozniak - Director - has a Master of Business Administration from York University, Toronto and Bachelor of Engineering from McMaster University.
    Carrier Global - Materiales - Estados Unidos
  • Nikos Fountas - Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer, EFT Europe, Middle East and Africa Division - has a Computer Science degree from York University, Toronto and post graduate studies in business administratio from Henley Management School.
    Euronet Worldwide - Servicios Financieros - Estados Unidos
  • Beth Wozniak - Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board - has a Master of Business Administration from York University, Toronto and Bachelor of Engineering from McMaster University.
  • Sue Collins - Chief Client Officer - se graduó en York University, Toronto.
    Rain the Growth Agency - Comunicación & Ventas - Estados Unidos

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